Thursday, October 23, 2008

Letter to Mom

21 November 2007
Dear Mom,
First, let me start by thanking you for the wonderful support you have given me over the past few years. I know that I’ve made some decisions that other people’s parents might not have accepted with such understanding and respect. I couldn’t ask for a better mother and I want to let you know that you are appreciated.
Having said that, I want to tell you about a decision that I have made concerning my future. Remember how wonderful and supportive you are? Keep thinking about that. Keep that in mind as I tell you the next bit of very exciting news.
I’ve met someone.
Her name is Chastity Kabumba, and she’s the most incredible person I’ve ever known. She’s strong, and tolerant, and very ready to start a family. She’s wonderfully intelligent and with the grace of God she will pass her ninth grade exams this fall. I’m standing by her through this very trying time, and regardless of the outcome, I will be there for her.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering how I will he support himself and the nine or ten children that will inevitably follow this union? Well, let me set your mind at ease.
Chastity is quite the accomplished fritter-maker, and with the right amount of support and someone to supply the sugar, she could really go places. She and I have also looked into the traditional beer-making industry, and let me tell you, it is booming! But that’s not it. During my investigations into the industry, I was fortunate enough to meet a man by the name of Gift Kikondo. I knew as soon as I had met Gift that I had found a friend and a mentor. He had the pungent scent of someone in touch with the Earth and a keen- if somewhat bloodshot- eye on the future. Gift was kind enough to trade me a very sturdy hoe for my digital camera so that I could start a maize field of my very own. He also found it in his heart to exchange his bicycle for mine. While his bicycle lacks certain luxuries like brakes or pedals, it has a very powerful luggage carrier that will surely come in handy when I am hauling my maize to market or hauling Chastity to the antenatal care day at the local Rural Health Clinic.
As you may have gathered, I have changed my plans a bit for next spring. I know that I had planned on coming home next April. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve talked to the chief, and Chastity and I have been given a section of land on which to start our family. We are moulding bricks even now. We hope to have them fired and our home’s construction well under way before the rains start.
I still haven’t told you the best part, however. Chastity and I have a very powerful spiritual connection. As you know, I have been questioning my faith very seriously over the past few years. During that time, I came to find the truth in the Earth-Spirit of Gaia. The Earth is our true God and I have found no people like those of my village to be more in touch with this Spirit. I know you think that they are poor and backward here. But are they really? Ask yourself, Mom. Are they, or are we the ones that are poor?
While Chastity and her family are staunch Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I have yet to translate my views to their local language, I expect that once I do they will be very understanding. They are the true Earth-people, Mom, and my future lies with them. Together we will suckle from the nourishing teat of Gaia’s bountiful bosom. Praise Gaia! To make a long story short, I’m staying. I have my sturdy hoe, a plot of land, and a reasonably mobile bicycle. With the grace of Gaia, Chastity’s very fertile womb, and the sound- if somewhat slurred- wisdom of Gift Kikondo, I know that I can flourish here.
So let me officially inform you that I am to be wed three months from today. If you can, please come to the wedding. While here, you can stay for the birth of our first child- due three and a half months from now- whom we have already named Wireless Earth-Spear Adams.
If you can’t make it, feel free to write to: Dave Adams, c/o Nselauke Basic School, PO Box 120091, Kasempa, Zambia.
Thanks again for all of your support.

Yours in the healing light of Gaia,

P.S. It’s Gaia’s wish that I dispose of all electric or battery powered devices, so the phone’s gone. Please do write!